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Finding Health & Beauty in Everyday Life

Ever since I was a kid I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit, but with travel, marriage, kids, rescue animals, and a day job, I convinced myself I was too busy to pursue running my own business; yet the dream was always lingering in the back of my mind. As my kids got older and I […]

Dark Horse Rising- Horse and Heart / WiseHorseWoman / Return to Freedom

horses at Horse and Heart Ranch

  In the Darkest and Brightest times of our lives, how do we feel, who do we become? Have you visited The Dark Night of the Soul recently? Curiosity, confusion, mystery, and the Shadow have erupted for our growth and the medicine is in the poison. Can we lean in together on this wild ride? […]

Ask the Expert!


Ask the Expert!by Rebecca Dutton BSN, RNFounder | Injector SaltFacial is above and beyond my favorite skin treatment. SaltFacial is safe and can be done every 2-4 weeks. It is the world’s first true medical facial device, FDA-approved, safe for every skin type, and can be used anywhere on the body. It resurfaces, replenishes, and […]