Living a Well-Balanced Life

What is a well-balanced life? As an executive coach, many of my clients often say, “I wish I had more time _____________ (fill in the blank). This is the red flag phrase when your life is out of balance, what is often referred to as the work/ life balance. What compels my clients to […]
Katy Bartlett Master Life Coach

As a child, I told my family that if I had kids, I would adopt because there were so many children in the world who needed a home that it wasn’t fair to have my own. Even then I knew somehow that my life was more than just about me, and I was already thinking […]
Love Antiques? Head For The Hill!

When Michele Foshee Schell and Suzy Bacino met more than 10 years ago, they were half of a St. Louis Marathon relay team organized by a mutual friend. Although they lost touch over the years, they were reacquainted through Facebook Marketplace this spring. Michele bought two of Suzy’s listings and their friendship reignited over a […]