Breakthrough Coaching Connecting Mental Health & Physical Fitness

Nervous system regulation is the foundation of connecting the mind, body, and soul. Imagine being completely transformed mentally, physically, and spiritually. Envision yourself becoming completely fulfilled in every aspect of your life. In collaboration with you, Tristan King and Alexandra Brown promise to deliver all of this and more with their revolutionary coaching program “Breakthrough […]
Meet the Ski Doc, Joseph Feret

THE SKI DOC DR. JOE FERET Perform your best. Recover with the best. My goal is to restore your mobility, keep you moving and ensure your rehabilitation is effective, efficient and stress-free. Meet Joseph Feret We have the pleasure to introduce Dr. Joe Feret to our MIND BODY SOUL readership. Dr. Feret is a trained […]
If I Could Be a Rose

By Donna Lee Humble In the wake of the New Year 2023, we may be spinning from unanticipated family bedlam, feeling weary, financially stressed or humbled by the excess weight registering on the scale resulting from the constant barrage of overindulgences. Winter signals a time of struggle. Plants go dormant. Animals migrate or hibernate, and […]