Take Your Life to the Next Level

By Katy Bartlett, Master Life Coach As a child, I told my family that if I had kids, I would adopt because there were so many children in the world who needed a home that it wasn’t fair to have my own. Even then I knew somehow that my life was more than just about […]
Spring into Action with Chiropractic Care

By John Groerich DC, FIAMA, CCAc, Dipl. Ac. (IACA) HealthSource Chiropractic of Clayton Dr. Groerich D.C. is a board certified Chiropractor and licensed Acupuncturist. He takes pride in treating his patients with compassion and professionalism while believing true wellness goes beyond the health of an individual. His approach of combining Chiropractic adjustments, Acupuncture, Deep Tissue […]
Rejuvenate Your Relationship to Yourself

By Dr. Perrin Elisha, PhD Spring is a time of regeneration, and new beginnings. Research shows that happiness and health are profoundly linked to relational wellness—the depth and quality of your human connections. If you are ready to rejuvenate your relationship life this year, your relationship to yourself is like the soil in which you […]