Elevate To Your Best Self
Your best life starts by taking care of YOU. Everything you think and feel about yourself reflects out Into the world and the people around you. Your authentic Inner Self must truly feel good and believe in them Self. If not, the pretending will catch up with you. Pretending to feel authentic inner confidence shows […]
The Morning Sets The Mood
How you start your mornings has a huge impact on the remainder of your day. It can even be a very good indication of how you will end your day. If you wake up with your mind already racing, frantically rushing around trying to get things done for yourself and everyone else with your nerves […]
Mindful + Pratique: Art As a Contemplative Practice
AT THE INTERSECTION BETWEEN CREATIVITY AND psychology, where the intellect and art collide, Alena Ahrens begins her work. After years in academia, Alena merges together the worlds of positive psychology, mindfulness, and contemporary art methods to bring new ways of being to those seeking health, wellness and creative expression. Raised in an Asian and Caucasian […]