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By Tiffanie Albertson

President and CEO Solutions for Living

2023 has arrived, so let’s get GLOWING!

I have enough candles on my cake to know my skin needed some help.

Did you know that after age 25, our body doesn’t produce collagen at the rate we need to maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails? Did you know that collagen oxidizes so quickly because it’s a fragile protein peptide? Combine those 2 facts and I started to understand why collagen is such a hot topic for healthy aging, and also why other collagen products had left me disappointed.

Enter this Little Bottle of Amazing. It is infused with an innovative blend of marine collagen peptides and powerful botanicals.

COLLAGEN ELIXIR indulges your skin and nourishes it from the inside out. It supplies bioavailable protein collagen for almost 90% of your body’s collagen needs.

Each bottle provides a therapeutic dose, 5 grams of the most pure collagen and is purposefully bottled in amber glass to protect against UV degradation and oxidation. This means it absorbs. You will see results and you will feel results.

So if letting your light shine means that you fuel the flame from the inside, make sure you are using the very best. You deserve to GLOW. The world needs your light to shine bright!




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