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Hope & Healing

Mind, body, and soul expanding into the sea

I Am the Bubble, Make Me the Sea
— Paramhansa Yogananda

This is a season for Hope and Healing.
Trust that Connection-Creativity-Community will fall into
place as we expand into N. San Diego County. With Aspen,
St. Louis and beyond, we can realize wisdom, compassion,
loving kindness, and a great heart. Together our impact
is much like a pebble plunging inside the water, then the
bubbles, and at last the circles of our magnificence
expanding out into the sea.


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On Key

Autumn Squash Recipes by Seedz Cafe

VEGAN PUMPKIN SOUP Ingredients: 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 cup chopped yellow onion 1 cup chopped celery 1 tablespoon minced garlic 1 teaspoon ground

Yoga & Music Festival

By Drishti Beats July 7-9 in Snowmass Village, CO Discover a unique blend of musicians from around the world and visionary yogis from Drishti Beats! Discover Drishti Beats

Everything’s Better Together

Running a fitness studio can be HARD!! And for most people running a fitness studio with their spouse could be nearly impossible. Where does life