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Phoenix Rising

Eric Rosen in an Author, Astrologer, and Shaman

Eric Rosen in an Author, Astrologer, and ShamanAt the end of last year, I was broke and basically homeless. I had just had another romantic relationship fail. My mental health had crashed into the rocks on the shoreline that is Life. For the first time in about 8 years, I had no aim. I had tied my purpose and achievement-oriented goals to the relationship.

I was at the proverbial fork in the road. On one side, I could travel a victimized path of regret and disappointment to shipwreck my dreams. On the other, I could show up in faith and courage to learn my lessons and go at life again. Determined to get back on my feet – I was willing to be vulnerable to ask for help from the Universe.

Incredibly kind, loving, and generous friends helped me through this dark time. One day one of these close personal friends suggested I share my story of heartbreak and how I was moving through my grief with purpose. I took her up on it and from a place of taking responsibility for them, I posted my thoughts and raw emotions on social media about what happened.

The next day I got a message from a Woman who saw my post and was looking for authors in her upcoming Anthology book: Shift with Intention…and Soar! In my vulnerable state she didn’t see a man who was powerless. She saw a man who was stepping up. A guy doing the healing and self-forgiveness necessary to not just trudge on past disappointment, but to thrive with internal peace and happiness. I said yes to the book and joined a network of 40 other brilliant authors.

I stayed determined and went on to create financial and home life stability for myself and my son. I started attending Men’s groups for support on issues guys specifically face. I re-directed my established coaching business back to its roots of mentoring other Men. I started facilitating my signature Inner Child workshop for Men to find lasting joy and happiness.

Most importantly through all of this – I found the courage for the first time in 20 years to Love and be passionate about life again! I also learned what it’s like to know my worth when all means of external validation had been stripped away.

In a world that has its fair share of challenges I now welcome everyday as a new battle to find joy. Everything from connecting with others, meeting a goal, and even the most mundane of moments is a chance to grow and glow.

I also don’t think failing is failure anymore. I think hiding in shame over a defeat is failure. It was my willingness to not just take responsibility but to find strength in my vulnerability that has carried me through challenges in life. Because I’m not allowing myself to be a pack mule of suppressed emotions, my heart is now more open to the more positive, ecstatic feelings life has to offer.

Eric is a #1 International Best Selling Author, Men’s Coach, and Shaman. You can learn more about Eric in his collaborative book “Shift with Intention and Soar: A Guide to Manifesting your Best Life” you can get in touch with him at:



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