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Revive “Down There”

By Leanne Bornschlegel

Owner of Alpine Therapeutics

Have you ever felt hopeless about the conditions experienced by most women at some point in their lives, such as vaginal dryness and discomfort, but rarely seem to get the chance to talk about it? Ever thought it would be impossible to have vaginal rejuvenation without surgery or energy treatments? Have you ever been frustrated or unsure about where to begin to ask for help?

Well, help is here, and the solution may be easier than you thought possible! Discover a natural and clinically proven approach with products and treatments that support all things “V”.

You treat the skin on your face, why not give some extra TLC to the skin “down there?” The skin between your legs matters! CO2LIFTV is carboxytherapy gel cosmetic treatment for vaginal rejuvenation used to improve vaginal conditions experienced by new mothers, menopausal and perimenopausal women, women who have endured chemotherapy, women who want cosmetic vulva improvement, and women who want to prevent aging “down there.”

It is an easy to use, effective, non-hormonal, non-invasive, and painless treatment clinically proven to improve vaginal conditions such as cosmetic concerns, dryness, alleviate discomfort during intercourse, loose skin, problematic urinary function—basically addressing vaginal issues associated with aging, childbearing, or stress. It stimulates collagen and elastin, toning and tightening skin—all with no down time.

No need to visit the doctor for an invasive injection of CO2 underneath the surface of the skin. CO2LIFTV is a transdermal carboxy therapy gel that is simply applied to the skin and left on for at least 45 minutes (and is gentle enough to on the surface of the skin which will then naturally stimulate leave on overnight), creating CO2 the oxygen in your body to be delivered directly to the area applied. Results can be felt and seen after just three applications.

Treatments can be done in-studio, as well as done at-home. Treatment kits in a 1-, 3-, or 5-count package are available in stock as well as in the online store, and a membership option is available at www.alpinespalife.com to allow for seamless and discreet monthly delivery of your CO2LIFTV to make it easy to keep up with monthly maintenance for optimal results.

Alpine Therapeutics also offers personal care services such as massage therapy, energy therapy, yoga, skincare, full body waxing, pelvic steam therapy, and spa treatments. Some advanced aesthetic skin care modalities available are CO2LIFT (the “V” version’s sister product for dramatic healing of the skin of the face and body), micro and hydrodermabrasion, LED light therapy, microcurrent facial toning, oxygen therapy, and Vaj-acials.

Professional grade skincare products are available for retail on location and in the online store.

Stay tuned for yoga and wellness workshops to be coming soon!


Alpine Therapeutics / 1111 Village Rd., Suite D / Carbondale, CO / 970-315-0713 / www.alpinespalife.com


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