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Nomadic Beauty

a woman wearing Beltshazzar Jewels a sophisticated collection of handmade jewelry and leather accessories

Rich leathers. Chunky chains. Wrapped stones. Natural bone and horn. Every piece of jewelry that designer Theresa Wangia makes is steeped in her world of style. She arranges all of the elements to perfection in the brand known as Beltshazzar Jewels. A sophisticated collection of handmade jewelry and leather accessories that sweeps a woman effortlessly […]

Living in Higher Alignment

dustin eli is a mystic artis living in crystal river valley

It’s not easy being human. I spent much of my earlier life lost in dysfunction, and addiction. depression, and drama. Thankfully I was ERASE guided to learn how to live in Higher ACTIVATE Alignment and everything began to change. You see, the more I found alignment to the ‘Truth within myself, the more this higher […]

TypOsphere StL

antique typewriter at TypOsphere StL is located at 2308

St.Louis, MO Artist, LA Marler (Louise Anne Marler) announces a new cultural arts gallery to the Cherokee Street community. This unique gallery of typewriter antiques and art will open Saturdays, starting October 9, 2021 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. TypOsphere StL is located at 2308 Cherokee Street near the southeast corner of Jefferson on […]