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A New Dream For Life After a Divorce… Rebuilding Wealth & Confidence

By Kirsten Incorvaia

When DeAnn’s second marriage fell apart, so did the divine vision of her heart. She went from a homeschooling mom to the newest employee at her neighborhood Starbucks. During this time, she started her Real Estate Licensing course to create a way to provide for herself and her four children.

Within a few years, DeAnn remarried and became a licensed real estate agent. But her worst nightmare was still ahead.

During her third marriage, DeAnn and three daughters were abruptly displaced from their family home, and it became clear she was heading toward her third divorce. She had nowhere to go and no one in her corner. “I get a stomach ache just thinking about it,” DeAnn admits. “I’ve been in the worst situation a woman can be in. I don’t want anyone to go through that.”

Riddled with fear, DeAnn and her girls crashed at a friend’s house while DeAnn worked day and night to grow a business that could support her family.

Within a year, DeAnn became known as the go-to- real-estate agent in her Southern California market, and had a new house and Maserati to show for it. She turned the devastation of divorce into a miraculous story of rebuilding her life, career, wealth and confidence.

At this time she began to dive hard into her healing journey to help herself, her family and others.

After feeling so alone in her divorces, she committed herself to being the advocate every woman needs when rebuilding life from the ground up. She worked diligently to dive into the education of divorce real estate and assembled a team of service providers with divorce expertise in the legal, financial, real estate and emotional support departments.

This mission is much bigger than real estate transactions. It’s about surrounding people with a community of resources to support their time of transition and healing.

“If I knew then what I know now, divorce wouldn’t have been so traumatic for me and my family,” DeAnn reflects. “I would have been proactive to get a team in my corner: a coach, therapist, support group, divorce attorney and specialized real estate agent who could come alongside me.”

For example, DeAnn had her real estate license at the time she was dividing assets with her ex-husband. However, she wasn’t yet trained in the complexities of divorce and all the special programs available. That knowledge would have been the difference between having a safe place to live or being homeless.

“When it comes to divorce, we’re dealing with a very different type of transaction. It’s a highly emotional, devastating time for the family,” DeAnn advises. “Most people hire a friend or relative who may have loyalties on one side, and the other side will not agree to that. It’s critical to bring in a neutral party who has command of the divorce real estate space.”

DeAnn is now trained in strategic communication, diffusing conflict and helping divorcing couples make business decisions over emotional ones. She is highly skilled in getting the most value with the least amount of time and hassle. And most importantly, DeAnn gracefully navigates urgent pressures such as court orders, division of assets and fast timelines.

“My vision is that my divorcing clients get everything they need out of their real estate transactions. I want to help them create a plan for secure housing and rebuilding wealth through real estate investments. I want to see them surrounded by a team of trusted professionals who hold their hand through every step of the divorce, so they can turn this crisis into a new dream for their life.”


DeAnn Dillard / 760-453-0477 / DeAnn@DeAnnDillard.com / DRE #01880867 / North County San Diego


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