Dark Horse Rising- Horse and Heart / WiseHorseWoman / Return to Freedom
In the Darkest and Brightest times of our lives, how do we feel, who do we become? Have you visited The Dark Night of the Soul recently? Curiosity, confusion, mystery, and the Shadow have erupted for our growth and the medicine is in the poison. Can we lean in together on this wild ride? […]
Is Yoga Magic for Mental Health?
Just google “benefits of yoga” and in the first few citations you will see, “The Nine Benefits of Yoga,” “The Twenty-Two Benefits of Yoga,” “38 Ways Yoga Can Save Your Life”, etc. Really? THREE WAYS YOGA IMPROVES MENTAL HEALTH: All exercise is good for your body and mind. Dr. Google will confirm that exercise is […]
Good Karma: PARAQUAD
Paraquad’s Stephen A. Orthwein Center is emerging as a regional destination for adaptive exercise and lifelong health and wellness for people with disabilities in the Midwest. Modeled after the PEAK Center in Colorado and Beyond Therapy in Atlanta, the Stephen A. Orthwein Center provides a holistic approach to wellness through state-of-the-art equipment, expert staff, and […]