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Tips for Combating Winter Dry Skin

Heather giving a client a hydrafacial

  Battling dry skin in the winter months is something almost everyone suffers from. Dry skin can make your face look dull and enhance fine lines and wrinkles. Who wants that? The good news is that there are some great products and affordable treatment options available to help conquer dry, dull winter skin. First, it […]

Accepting Self and Others

onald (Truth Paradise) Theiss became a seeker of the truth, he read The Way of Zen by Suzuki and that was the beginning of looking inward to find answers

YOU’RE PERFECT EXACTLY AS YOU ARE AND SO IS EVERYONE ELSE, however we’ve been trained to believe otherwise, so we struggle with how we are and hide who we are in order to fit into the mideas and beliefs of our society. We are all struggling with ourselves and with one another, unwilling or unable […]

The Power of Hypnosis

a woman sleeping with the help of hypnosis by booking an appoinment with Michelle Bryan

Sleeping well is a struggle for many, especially elite performers in any realm – business, athletics, entertainment. You name it, all of us can feel the pressure of achievement, goal-setting, and seeking excellence. Nighttime can be torture when your mind simply won’t stop when the moon comes up. Hypnosis works for anyone who wants to […]