Painting Chakra Theory: by Emily Colucci
Christine Mottau’s chakra paintings came into consciousness unexpectedly. In 2016 with an exhibition looming at New York City’s Ceres Gallery, Mottau found herself creating luminous abstractions without a premeditated direction. “I didn’t think about the paintings seriously at first but then, I realized, ‘Oh, […]
Listen to your Heart
Welcome to The Aquarian Age, Welcome to Summer 2021, and Welcome to the incredible changes that all of this brings into our lives at many different levels. As an Energy Medicine Practitioner and Qero Shaman, I understand the power of the seasons and energy that it represents in us and around us. There is no […]
Women at The Helm
“It’s good for the Mind, Body and Soul.” It all started in 2018. Kim Dumas took some of her closest friends for a sunset sail on San Diego Bay. Something amazing happened that night; laughter, good food and drinks, singing, yoga poses on the bow, and a surreal sunset became the inspiration to start a […]