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Listen to your Heart

Welcome to The Aquarian Age, Welcome to Summer 2021, and Welcome to the incredible changes that all of this brings into our lives at many different levels. As an Energy Medicine Practitioner and Qero Shaman, I understand the power of the seasons and energy that it represents in us and around us. There is no doubt that change is and has been the theme in our lives for a few years now. Although, the intensity has increased and that firey energy usually grows in the summer. I am offering to you a perspective of addressing all the changes in your life by going into your own Heart. Fire is the element of summer, Heart and Heart protector energy are a part of the Fire element. As summer comes in and changes continue, I encourage you to look into your own heart and feel what is best for you and yours. Many people are offering advice for specific areas of your life right now, some ideas feel right to you and some don’t, you also may have solutions or resolutions that no one has mentioned. My advice is to listen to that part of you that is different from others, and take in the advice of others that resonates with you. As you do so, breathe in and allow your heart to decide your best choice. The truth is no one else really knows what is best for you, the answer resides inside you. Of course, you may want to discuss with others that you respect, or listen to expert advice, then it is your job to take it inside your heart and decide what is best for you. Change is not going away, for it is our only way to grow and move forward in life. Staying only in our minds and ignoring how it feels in your heart center may not serve your highest good. I invite you to open up your heart and take in all of what you need, want, and know. Use ALL of it to make your best choices. We always have a choice, and staying in our loving heart energy usually offers answers that do serve our highest good.

Ask these questions of yourself to assist you in these times of change:

1. What is my normal method for making decisions? Do I react from my extreme emotions or do I simply listen to others? Do I take a deep breath and ask my highest self (Heart) what would serve my highest good? What does this look like in my life?

2. Whether big or small decisions, do I always know that I have a choice? Do I make choices out of fear or my heart? What does this process look like in my life?

3. When making decisions, do I take time to make sure my system is calm and balanced? What methods do I use to make sure that I make choices from a place of love rather than obligation? How do I want this to look in my life?

Marilyn Eagen
Harmony Healthcare LLC,
The Peace Place


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