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What Stories Are You Telling?

As an intuitive channel and Reiki Master, I am so fortunate to be able to see myself and others through the eyes of spirit. Having access to this insight allows me to see the true light and divine essence of myself and my fellow humans. We are bright lights indeed! There is a powerful story […]

Perfection is a Process

I have always been drawn to places of worship. Temples, basilicas, cathedrals and country chapels alike call me into their presence. There is something about the expression of their approach to the divine that draws me in. Maybe it is the opulence, sometimes the simplicity but always the reverence that they require of those that […]


Focusing on the sanctuary in ourself is essential to come into a peaceful state and truly know ourselves, know our own experience and the fulfillment of our own being. When we focus our attention inside ourself, to our inner awareness, we can observe ourselves and the unfolding of our own consciousness as it is flowing […]