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SubZero Wellness: A Hands-On Approach to Wellness

Megan Sanders of Subzero Wellness and her assistant performing a massage on a patient to relieve discomfort.

While it was never my intention to be a business owner, I have always tried to operate from a very simple statement, “See needs, meet needs.” If you see an opportunity to make a difference, and you can, then you should. This has carried me throughout my career as a physical therapist, massage therapist, and educator to now. business owner.

an advance machine at subzero wellness

Megan Sanders of Subzero Wellness performing a massage on a patient to relieve discomfort.

I felt called to build a bridge between healthcare and holistic. As a physical therapist, it was frustrating to only see patients once damage had already been done. I only treated postinjury or post-surgical. As a massage therapist, I addressed soft tissue as a means of eliminating pain temporarily, but the session did not leave enough time to educate and correct issues that continued to exacerbate the pain or symptoms.

How do we bridge the gap between responsive healthcare and proactive wellness? Enter SubZero Wellness – my hands-on approach to wellness and sports recovery.

In a typical session, we allow time for assessment, treatment, and education, and create a plan specific to each client that allows them to take ownership of their own wellness.

Megan Sanders of Subzero Wellness performing a massage on a patient to relieve discomfort.

subzero wellness wellness studio utilizes several modalities including: red light therapy, infrared saunas, whole body cryotherapy, compression therapy, and bodywork

Our wellness studio utilizes several modalities including: red light therapy, infrared saunas, whole body cryotherapy, compression therapy, and bodywork to restore function, encourage healing, and provide a path to a healthier version of themselves.

My team of therapists are skilled in Myofascial release, stretching, deep tissue, manual lymph drainage, energy work and Body Mind Coaching to help bridge the gap between emotional and physical for long lasting results.

At the end of the day, it is our goal to be “difference makers,” knowing that our clients being empowered to take control of their own wellness will truly be what makes all the difference.

Megan Sanders MPT, LMT Owner SubZero Wellness

Book a session now you can contact Megan Sanders MPT, LMT Owner SubZero Wellness:

636-778-2233/703 Long Road Crossing Drive, Suite 5, Chesterfield, MO 63005


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