Empowering Parents Through School-Home Engagement

Did you know that children only spend 14% of their time in school? 14%! Yet too often we shoulder teachers with 100% of the responsibility to educate our youth. Assuming kids spend at least a third of their time sleeping, that still leaves over half of their year spent awake and outside the school building. […]
Relaxing into Truth

Let’s be honest, shall we? How are you? Truly? Are you feeling anxious? Busy? Worried about the future of our planet/economy/democracy? It’s OK, to not be above it all, riding in the higher dimensions. What’sbeing called for now is to feel it all, to be with and not hide from the craziness of our world, […]
Creating Space for Heightened Sensitivity

We find ourselves asking what’s wrong instead of what’s right, looking for the next problem and setting ourselves up to expect the worst because maybe it will lessen the blow of feeling blindsided by another disappointment.